Process comparison of laser deep penetration welding in pure nickel using blue and infrared wavelengths
M Möbus, R Pordzik, A Krämer, T Mattulat
In laser beam deep penetration welding, the total absorption is significantly increased compared
to heat conduction mode welding. An i-SPEED 7 high-speed camera from iX Cameras was
used for spatter tracking in an experimental welding setup. This setup included measurements
of airborne acoustic emissions.
The high-speed camera i-Speed7 (iX Cameras Ltd.) with an AF 180 mm 3.5 Di LD Macro 1:1
SP lens (TAMRON Europe GmbH) and a connected BN810 narrow near-IR bandpass filter was
used for spatter tracking with a frame rate of 20 kHz and a resolution of 1064 × 762 pixel (0.007
mm per pixel). It was positioned 90° to the welding direction and in a 0° tilt angle so that an
image section of about 7 mm width and 5 mm height around the process zone could be